Near Infrared Moisture Meter

With more than 40 years in the industry, MoistTech has developed a near Infrared (NIR) moisture meter that is more than just a meter. It sets the standard for continuous, accurate monitoring and measurement of moisture, but it also provides you with a way to modify production in real-time.

Developed to Meet Your Needs

Over a period of years, our engineers worked with industry partners to identify needs and develop a moisture sensor that would meet those needs. Through this process, we have developed a line of moisture sensors that are world-class in accuracy and versatility.

Versatile to Save You Money

Whether you need online or offline measurements, we can provide the best in continuous monitoring and measurement of:

You will find our NIR moisture sensors used in thousands of applications, including:

Rugged and Strong– Built for Industry

Our meters are built for the harsh environment of manufacturing. They are unaffected by temperature or moisture. With non-contact measurements our meters can be mounted above the conveyor belt, before and after dryers, cookers, rotating drums, pre and post coating machines, in chutes and even close to fryers. The non-drift optical technology keeps the accuracy high and ignores the movement of the conveyor belt. Small gaps in product can be ignored. Changes in product size, height, or color do not disturb the measurements and set off alarms.

Talk with our Engineers about Your Application for a Near Infrared Moisture Meter

Use our meters for constant monitoring of your facility. They give you the ability to change environmental controls at will and increase the company’s ROI with less downtime, fewer scrap pieces, and a higher quality product. Contact us today to see how our moisture meters can help your bottom line.