Animal Food Moisture Applications
Maintaining proper and consistent moisture levels in animal feed is essential to a high quality final product. When moisture levels aren’t regulated, products are at risk of mold and other threats that may negatively affect the overall quality.
Stable, fixed moisture levels, however, ensure that animal food products maintain consistency, and that product waste is minimized. Animal food that is too wet or too dry can result in the loss of a manufacturer’s time and money, as well as impact the quality of the end product.
With MoistTech, however, manufacturers can watch animal food production costs without cutting quality. We’ve used our 40 years of knowledge and experience in the moisture management industry to develop the MoistTech IR-3000, a non-contact instrument that accurately measures and regulates moisture in various applications, including animal food products.
Eliminate product waste and greatly reduce start-up and downtimes with MoistTech, the moisture management leaders.
Benefits of Animal Food Moisture Testing
- Less Product Waste
- Higher Quality Final Product
- Product Consistency
- Reduced Energy Costs