Cut Tobacco Moisture

Regardless of whether cut tobacco is long or short, cut tobacco moisture must be strictly controlled for quality. Too much moisture will adversely affect product weight and product burn time. 

Is it Possible to Control Cut Tobacco Moisture in Line?

It is possible to control cut tobacco moisture right on the production line. To do so, production operators must have access to accurate moisture measurements, in real-time. With the information, adjustments to tobacco processing can be made at any point of the process to ensure that cut tobacco moisture is consistent throughout batches of a finished product. MoistTech’s IR-3000 near infrared (NIR) online moisture transmitter with Model 828 tobacco moisture gauge is the instrumentation of choice for tobacco processors. It has industry-proven, unmatched performance for tobacco moisture measurement and control within all levels of the tobacco industry.

Why Choose MoistTech’s Model 828?

MoistTech has more than 40 years of experience providing moisture-sensing equipment to a variety of industries. The IR-3000 and Model 828 instrumentation boast these features:

  • Large, intense, quartz halogen light source
  • Extremely efficient optical system
  • High speed motor capable of capturing thousands of measurements per second
  • Rugged industrial design
  • Factory calibrated
  • Maintenance free
  • Sensor measurements are unaffected by particle size, material height, material color, product temperature, ambient temperature, environmental dust, and other environmental factors common in industrial environments

Contact us for more information about the IR-3000’s and Model 828’s specifications.

What Installation Locations Will Help Improve Our Cut Tobacco Quality?

MoistTech’s Model 828 gauge can be installed at nearly any stage of tobacco product production. Common installation locations include at conditioning cylinders, near cutters, in toasters, directly on conveyors, in down chutes, or in storage bins. Installing the gauge on the production line provides the real-time information your operators require to adjust the process to ensure moisture is properly managed.

Request a Quote

Feel free to contact us for a demonstration of the Model 828 tobacco moisture gauge. If you’re ready to improve your tobacco quality by controlling cut tobacco moisture, request a quote. MoistTech’s IR-3000 NIR moisture sensor with Model 828 tobacco moisture gauge will change the way you measure cut tobacco moisture.