Tea Moisture

Processing tea requires precise measurements of moisture and temperature levels in order to yield the highest quality end results. From the time they are picked to the time they are dried and packaged, tea leaves need constant monitoring. Without the correct level of moisture and perfect temperatures at each stage, fungi grows on the leaves, contaminating the tea and making it unfit for consumption.

Each variety of tea requires different drying and oxidation methods. These variations are highly important if the right variety—whether black or green, Darjeeling or Earl Grey—is to be attained, with all the subtle nuances of flavor that tea drinkers expect in their tea. That’s why moisture testing and regulation using the best moisture sensor equipment is essential to tea production.

MoistTech Capabilities

MoistTech has over 40 years of knowledge and experience, and we’ve put it all into our IR-3000 moisture sensor—making it the ideal choice when it comes to tea moisture analysis.

The IR-3000 takes instant, non-contact, highly accurate measurements of moisture (in % wet and % dry), temperature, caffeine, and more. It is capable of controlling moisture levels either manually or automatically.

Benefits of Tea Moisture Control

The IR-3000 improves the quality of tea, lowers energy costs, and guards against product waste. By measuring moisture levels with accuracy, tea leaves will have the best flavor and longest shelf life.

Check out our other food moisture applications to learn more.