Why Near-Infrared?
For instant, accurate, repeatable online or offline measurements of moisture, coating thickness, nicotine or oil, the series of NIR sensors from MoistTech cannot be beaten. These sensors are made for non-contact, non-destructive measurements of the greatest accuracy. Use an NIR sensor in the lab or on the factory floor or take it into the field for fast, accurate results every time.
Avoid Downtime with Quick Measurements
Enjoy immediate adjustments to your process based on real-time measurements from our online NIR sensors. Avoid costly downtime and excessive scrap by catching any out-of-tolerance readings as quickly as possible. Immediate changes can be made to your production line to stop extra waste and keep the line moving. Connect our sensors to your computer network or a production laptop by RS232 or Ethernet for complete software control of your line.
Enjoy the Versatility in Placement
Our sensors and gauges can be mounted above the conveyor belt for non-contact measurement of most products or raw materials. MoistTech sensors are made to withstand the harshest environments. We also have products that are stand alone and are useful for field work, lab measurements, or quality control checks.
Rely on Unbeatable Accuracy
NIR sensors from MoistTech show the more than 40 years of experience in the field of our design. Our knowledgeable engineers added features to ease the burden of measurement, as well as those most requested by our customers. Our non-drift optical design gives you repeatable results in the most accurate measurements available. They are calibrated at the factory and require no further maintenance to maintain their accuracy. Results are unaffected by heat or humidity.
Get More Information about a MoistTech NIR Sensor Solution
Contact us for more information about how our NIR sensor product line can meet your needs. Request a quote today and see how economically we can meet your measurement needs. Talk to the engineers at the world leader in moisture measurement technology about a solution for your measurement concerns